
Happy Cats and Dogs Means Happy Customers
Safe Flea Control

Looking for safe flea management?

Flee Flea is a natural, non-toxic way you can help repel fleas and boost your pet’s immune system. See what our cats, dogs and their humans have told us about Flee Flea.

Do you have something to add? We’d love to hear from you!

Thank you for the sample. I am wrapped with your product. It seems to be working well on the dog and I have even been able to sprinkle it on my 12 year old cat without much opposition. In fact now he is licking it off his coat, his fur is nice and shiny. Probably keeping him more supple as well. Glad to find a product that doesn’t make my cat sick and good for my dogs health. I have a friend who is into natural products so will pass on the sample. Great idea.


Hi Flee Flea

My mum has been sprinkling your product on my tucker for the last couple of years.

I’ve had no livestock and my coat is beautiful and shiny….commented on by all visitors I deign to see me…photographic evidence included.

We need some more of your wonderful 225gm product…just bill my human.


Sid from Christchurch

Sorry to take so long to answer your message, somehow there is not enough hours in the day to get everything done. Thank you for getting my container of Flee Flea to me so quickly, as the other one had just about run out. Our cats get Flee Flea on their food each night and obviously enjoy it as the food disappears quickly. I have found that none of them have fleas, and as Flee Flea is made only of natural ingredients there is also no scratching. Their fur is in very good condition and so shiny. Another thing I like, I do not have to fight them to put chemicals on the back of their necks every month. Many Thanks.


I have been using Flee Flea for a couple of weeks, and I used to notice how distressed my cat seemed when we put the usual flea treatments on her that you get from the pet shop or vet. She would not eat for at least 24 hours and seemed to look run down. The fleas were coming back after a week and it did not seem right to keep putting her through the process.
I was relieved to find Flea Flee in our local organic shop. Even more relieved when after just a few days of using it, her coat looked great and there were absolutely no signs of fleas. She stopped scratching (naturally) and is a more relaxed and happy cat overall. She is a Tonkinese and was very vocal. She is still a little vocal, but has quietened down a lot and I now believe it must have been the fleas that were making her stressed. Thank you for providing us with this safe product. She only needs 1/4 to 1/2 a tsp a day. It is a fraction of the price of chemical flea treatments as you use such a little amount. No complaints from her either about the taste, there has been no issue in getting her to eat her food with Flee Flea scattered on top. Very grateful for your product.

I love Flee Flea because it WORKS…and works FAST. Both of our fur babies were being eaten alive by beach fleas surprisingly early this year, and in only ONE week they are healing well and are not scratching anymore! This is the same result I got last year, in the same short span of a week. I’m so grateful to have finally found a Kiwi company who offers nutritious, NON-TOXIC natural solutions that quickly & effectively rid furry families of these horrible pests. I look forward to buying more great products from them as they come out. Keep up the great work guys! 


My poor cat had a very thin coat and when you stroked him you could feel loads of scabs from the top of his head down to the base of his tail. He was all the time scratching. Yep, he was allergic to fleas even when I used the flea treatment from the vets. I have had McCloud (plus my other animals) on Flee Flea for some months now. Now when you stroke him there are no scabs and his coat is getting thicker. Thank you Flee Flea” 


We were impressed with your Flee Flea product – it’s amazing! Spike is a bitzer-terrier, 13 years old, but you wouldn’t know it. Since taking Flee Flea his coat has become lustrous and soft and he smells gorgeous, like he’s just had a bath – in fact we haven’t bathed him for several months. Also he doesn’t appear to have one flea on him in spite of extensive searches I’ve carried out and he certainly never scratches. Congratulations on your magic mixture. With many thanks and a lick from Spike.


I have used Flee Flea for a year now, the dogs love it. If I forget to put it on their food, they sit and wait til I sprinkle it on. Their coats are healthy and shiny. Even the vet was amazed, they didn’t have a single flea on them when they went for regular health checks. She asked me what I did, I told her I used Flee Flea and she is now selling it in her clinic. 


Dear Humans, I hope you don’t mind a letter from a cat, but the Flee Flea has been a big help at our place. I really like the taste of Flee Flea. Mum (my human) is pleased about that. Sometimes when I don’t want to eat my food cos it’s a bit stale, Mum just puts some Flee Flea on it and then I eat it all. This is an answer to prayer as I’m allergic to flea bites and we have tried other things and they didn’t work. My fur was horrible, I felt awful. Flee Flea lasts, so Mum is pleased! Yours sincerely


I am writing to commend you for the excellence of your product Flee Flea. We have an 11 year old Golden Labrador dog who contracted a deteriorating skin condition causing his hair to drop out. He also became very ill within himself and there was a rapid decline in his condition over a period of six months. We had several trips to the vet trying various tests and medications and involving huge expense, but nothing would help. On the final trip to the vet, they told us nothing more could be done and we were advised to have him ‘put down’. Naturally we were devastated as he has been a much loved family member. I own a store in town and after sharing my grief with a customer, she urged me to go to the health food shop and start him on Flee Flea. After 10 days there were early signs of improvement and he stopped scratching himself. Some areas were red-raw with him being unable to leave the raw areas alone. The sores then started to dry up and there were signs of hair regrowth to the bald areas. Now two months later and on our second jar of Flee Flea, his health has been completely restored and his hair almost fully grown again. Thank you sincerely Hibiscus Enterprises, your product is a miracle and we can’t praise you enough. Keep us the marvelous work and that you again for restoring our dog’s health. Yours sincerely.


Smudge & Tobemoray love Flee Flea sprinkled upon their breakfast, they live happily with their parents Helen & Colin, in Thames!

Such clever cats.


Thank you so much for the wee hand written note that came with my first order, my dogs absolutely love the flee flea powder, so much so that once they have finished eating they lick their bowls for about half an hour!!!, thanks again


My cat loves this! Keeps her coat healthy and shiny.


Yes! The Flee Flea treatment seems to be working. My cat Abigail was constantly chewing her back and now she does not seem to be doing this any more – thank goodness. 


Brilliant stuff, I’ve been putting 2 heaped teaspoons full onto my chooks mash in the mornings and they look amazing, even the old girls look like “spring chickens” again. Laying well too. 


This is awesome stuff! My Bulldog is allergic to most flea treatments so it was recommended that I try this stuff and it works a treat! Highly recommend Flea Flee! 


I am happy to report that Nessie is doing well on the Flee Flea and I am seeing far fewer fleas on her! It’s been 10 days now since first giving it to her and today I combed her after waiting 24 hours and only one flea which has drowned nicely! … I will get some more … I thought I’d let you know I was happy! Nessie is too! Thanks.


Hello from two animal lovers… Just want to say a big thank you and from our cat, for producing the excellent Flee Flea mixture. Scatty’s coat is very shiny and he’s much calmer. Such a relief to be free of ‘spot on’ chemicals. SO grateful. Kind regards


We were given a small packet of Flee Flea to try and are quite delighted with the result. Our spaniel has suffered from eczema – caused by the pumice and being by the lake – but your product has helped her immensely. Yours faithfully


Our two pooches want to say thanks for keeping them flee fled and itch free. Thanks also from them for the free sample and photo frame which they’re thinking we should put them in.

We love Flee Flea

L & P

My dog never has fleas, Flee Flea is the only treatment I give her, and she loves the taste! Five stars!


I have one dog and one cat who are flea sensitive and scratch and scratch. I have used Flee Flea for quite a while and find it excellent. You can even rub the powder through their coats if need be.  


I have been using this for a while with my dog – it works and you can use it for a variety of animals which is awesome! It says for cats and dogs but the website lists off many more animals it’s safe to give to. My chickens like it mixed into porridge. 


Excellent product.  Have been using this for over 8 years on our animals and NO fleas and it also helped to rid our Bichon of tear staining around her eyes. And YAY for no yucky chemicals in their wee systems. 


This is a wonderful product. My cats and dogs love it, and I love the fact that it is natural and works really well. Thank you for the great service. 


I just went to get my cats’ bowls, and they had already started to help themselves to the jar of Flee Flea. The Flee Flea has definitely helped their health and their overall general health. No fleas or signs of flea dirt. Go Flee Flea! 


Can I please order another 1kg bag and 6 jars as soon as you can get them to me. My customers are loving it. Getting some good results on coat and skin conditions with it. Thank you


A great product! We have noticed such a dramatic reduction in fleas on our pets and they are healthy and happy without the nasty chemical treatments! 


I find this product very useful for my dogs, who run free in paddocks that sheep are grazing and occasionally pick up lice from the grass. However they are vermin free with continual use of Flee Flea.